Ratio Mathematica - Numero 12 - 1997

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Les hypertreillis tres fins 
C. Gutan,  pag. 3

Properties of hyperproducts and the relation b in quasi hypergroups  
M. Gutan, 
pag. 19

Fuzzy sub-f-polygroups 
A. Hasankhani, M. M. Zahedi,  pag. 35

M-polysymmetrical hyperrings 
J. Mittas, C. N. Yatras,  pag. 45

Over the construction of an hyperstructure of quotients for a moltiplicative hyperring 
R. Procesi, R. Rota,  pag. 66

Une note sur les groupes permutables 
V. Leoreanu,  pag. 73

Hyperstructures as tool to compare urban projects 
B. Ferri, A. Maturo,  pag. 79

Weak hyperstructures on small sets 
T. Vougiouklis, S. Spartalis, M. Kessoglides,  pag. 90

Hyper BCK-algebra 
M. Bolurian, A. Hasankhani,  pag. 97

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